
Samuel Burland Personal Device Charter - Update October 2024

Samuel%20Burland%20Personal%20Device%20Charter%20Graphic.pngDear Parents and Caregivers,

The students and staff at Samuel Burland have updated the personal device charter to align with the and the banning cell phone use in kindergarten to Grade 8 schools, including lunch and breaks. This personal device charter, Safe, Focused, and Responsible provides guidelines for the use of personal technology for our students and staff at Samuel Burland School.


These are the actions we will take to be safe with our personal devices.

•Be kind/ friendly online.

•Keep your personal information private.

•Use strong passwords that only you know and don’t reuse them.

•Chat online with only people you know.

•Stay on verified websites.

•Know who has access to your location services.

•Information in the school is private.

•Taking pictures/ videos of people at school are not allowed.


These are the actions we will take to be focused with our personal devices.

•Leave your personal device at home.

•On the days, your personal device is with you, keep it in your locker, backpack or classroom.

•Use school devices with teachers’ permission.

•Use strategies to help you focus such as closing your laptop screen when the teacher is speaking.

•Grade 7 & 8 students are authorized to carry their cell phones for emergency in transition from one school to the other (example: Practical Arts)


These are the actions we will take to be responsible with our personal devices.

•Leave your personal device at home.

•On the days your personal device is with you, leave your device in your locker, backpack, or classroom.

•Remind parents/ caregivers to call the school.

•Use the office phone in an emergency.

•Check your personal device only before and after school hours.

Thank you for your partnership in creating a safe and positive learning environment for the students and staff at Samuel Burland School!