

Grade 10

English Language Arts: Foundations (E20F) 1 credit

This course is designed to increase the students' knowledge of reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing.  

Students will:

  • expand their knowledge of literary concepts as they continue to build their skills and knowledge of informal and formal essays and fictional forms of writing
  • study news and magazine articles, short stories, film, poetry, novels and complete projects throughout the semester. 
  • continue to learn the importance of the proper use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary.

Grade 11

English Language Arts: Comprehensive Focus (ECOMF30S) 1 credit

This course is designed to build on and extend the student's knowledge of reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. 

Students will:

  • Study and create pragmatic (practical) texts and aesthetic (literary) texts. 
  • continue to develop the proper use of the conventions of grammar, spelling and vocabulary will continue to be stressed.   

Grade 12

English Language Arts: Comprehensive Focus (ECOMF40S) 1 credit

Through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing this course offers students the opportunity to practice and hone the skills developed in high school English Language Arts. 

Students will:

  • study and create a wide and varied range of texts from practical/pragmatic texts like newspaper articles and documentaries and essays, to aesthetic/literary texts like poetry, film and novels. 
  • participate in oral and written assignments, as well as individual, small group and whole class activities. 

Functional English: Second English - See Elective Course Listings for Further Information