
Weekly News

Important Dates:

December 16-20 - Winter Spirit Week

December 17 - Winter Concert

December 19 - Winter Solstice Celebration

December 20 - Last Day of Classes before Winter Break and early dismissal

 Winter Concert

Winter Solstice Celebration

Winter Spirit Week

The student leadership has been hard at work planning the winter spirit week. Here is what they have planned:

Candy Cane fundraiser: December 13th- December 19th @ lunch in the front foyer. Deliveries will be throughout Monday December 16th, 17th,18th and 19th in the afternoon.

 Door Decoration Contest: Starting Monday, December 16th and will be judged on Thursday, December 19th. Have your students plan your theme and get them to bring in materials to make that vision come to life! Can you make your door as diverse as the student body?

 Spirit Days:

Monday, December 16th - Anything but a backpack day

Tuesday, December 17th – Rhyme without Reason and/or twin day

Wednesday, December 18th – Wacky Sweater Wednesday

Thursday, December 19th – Cultural or fancy clothing day

Friday, December 20th – Grade colour day

One activity on Wednesday, December 18th @ lunchtime will be Karaoke in the MPR

One full school afternoon on Friday, December 20th in the gym playing LOG’s, Cafeteria for crafting and conversations or Library for boardgames  - from 1:30-2:30 (early dismissal!)

Grade 12 Take Action Projects

 Bake Sale:

A large percentage of Winnipeg is covered by an urban tree canopy. But with ailments like Dutch Elm disease and Emerald Ash Boars 40% this canopy is under threat. With climate change warming global temperatures cities are threatened by heat bubbles that can only be remedied by having a robust urban forest. If we want to protect our city from climate change, we need to invest in planting new trees now.  If you want to help, please come to our bake sale on December 20th. The price is $3 a cookie or $5 for two, all proceeds go to Trees Winnipeg. Please Bring Cash.

Does Technology affect your creativity and critical thinking?

Take the Forms survey below to help us learn more about our driving question.


Reminder to call or email the school if your child will be absent.

Volleyball Clinics

We will be offering volleyball clinics in the new year!

 What: Volleyball clinics to improve basic skills and knowledge about volleyball

When: Saturdays - January 11 and 25, February 8 and 22, March 8 and 22 (2025)

Time: BOYS 10am-12pm and GIRLS 12pm-2pm

Who: Boys and girls grades 8-11 from NMC, Archwood, Marion and Nordale


Parent Portal

ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥'s new parent portal is launched! The parent portal allows you to view:

a) Your child's documents, including report cards,

b) Their school schedule, and

c) Their attendance history.

Use this helpful guide to access the parent portal and view report cards.



The division has created a “how to page” to help with payments on the parent portal. Please refer to the following link:

Huddle South Central

Huddle now has a new counsellor accepting new youth on Fridays, and nurses are available Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Youville Meditation Drop-In

Youville is hosting a free meditation drop-in starting Nov. 4 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Drop-in is offered Monday, Wednesday, & Friday in person or by Zoom. To register call 204-255-4840.

News for Melanie, NMC's Community Liaison Worker:

 Monday afternoons - Community Space

NMC is joined by our Knowledge Carrier Eric. Eric will be in the Community Space to share teachings and guide us in cultural activities. Coming up we will be learning about Ribbon Shirts and Skirts and students who would like to participate will have the opportunity to make their own.

Tuesday at Lunch - Community Space - Beading with Ms. K

Students and staff are welcome to join Ms. K in the Community Space at lunch hour for beading. We will begin making keychains and lanyards.

Wednesdays 3:45-5:45 - Kitchen Brigades

Students enjoyed Kitchen Brigades this past week. It's not too late to join, please see Ms. K for a form. Wednesday 6:00-7:30 Lavallee School

Powwow Club - all ages are welcome to attend. There is a parent/caregiver program with Kookum Hilda while students dance. Snacks are provided. NMC students are welcome to join and if any are looking for volunteer opportunities, please see Ms. K. If transportation is an issue, please reach out to Melanie Kapilik.

Thursday Mornings

Kookum Hilda will be in the Community Space and will share her knowledge and teachings with any staff and students who might like to join in. Coming up, we will be hand drumming. Hand drums will be available but feel free to bring your own if you have one.

Thursday Afternoons 1:30-3:30

Crafting Connections for parents/caregivers in the Community Space. We will be joined by Kookum Hilda and Tammy Bruce. Snacks and supplies are provided. Coming up will be mitten making.

Winter Settlement Programming at Rene Delorme:






