
Social Studies

Social studies encompasses history and geography, and is the study of people in relation to each other and to the world in which they live. As a study of human beings in their physical, social and cultural environments, social studies examines the past and present, and looks towards the future. Social studies helps students acquire the skills, knowledge and values necessary to become active, democratic citizens and contributing members of their communities, locally, nationally and globally. It integrates the four foundation skill areas of literacy and communication, problem-solving, human relations and technology, and provides ideas and strategies to support the implementation of social studies.

includes citizenship, the core concept that focuses social studies learning at all grades and provides opportunities for students to explore the complexities of citizenship in four areas:

  • Active Democratic Citizenship in Canada
  • Canadian Citizenship for the Future
  • Citizenship in the Global Context
  • Environmental Citizenship

As students grow and learn the skills of citizenship, they contribute to their learning communities and to the betterment of our society.

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