

​The K to 12 provincial mathematics curriculum is organized by grade and the four strands: Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability, Shape and Space, and Number.

Hands-on learning activities, problem-solving, visualization, communication, connections to everyday life, technology, estimation, mental math and strategic instruction are means to helping students develop mathematical skills and understanding. They benefit from working with a variety of materials, tools and contexts when learning about new mathematical ideas, and enrich their understanding of mathematical content through meaningful student discussions.

To meet today's challenges, students must be mathematically literate. "Mathematical Literacy" means that students should:

  • use mathematics confidently to solve problems
  • exhibit a positive attitude towards mathematics
  • communicate mathematically
  • appreciate and value mathematics and its contribution to civilization
  • reason mathematically
  • develop proficiency in basic skills and understanding of fundamental concepts
  • become proficient users of technology
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate adults, using mathematics to contribute to society

Explore helpful resources on Mathematics from Manitoba Education in the right sidebar.

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