
International Development Week: Building a better world together

Dear ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ (ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥) Community,  

Each February, the first full week as . This year, highlighting the importance of collaboration and the .  

In ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥, we have dedicated strategic action 4.5 in our Multi-Year Strategic Plan to the United Nations’ SDGs, the , and Indigenous land-based education.  

This strategic action aligns with our celebration of International Development Week and its emphasis on collective efforts to build a better world. It also underscores our commitment to integrating the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals into our educational framework, particularly focusing on SDG 13, which urges us to combat climate change with urgency. 

In addition, our dedication to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and Indigenous land-based education highlights the importance of respecting and incorporating Indigenous knowledge and practices in our approach to sustainability and climate action. By doing so, we not only honour the traditions and rights of Indigenous peoples but also enrich our collective efforts to create a sustainable and equitable future for all. 

On Dec. 17, 2024, several excited students and teachers had the opportunity to present to the trustees and senior leadership team about their thoughts and work on  

Students from École St. Germain, École Varennes, École Henri-Bergeron, École Provencher, and Collège Jeanne-Sauvé

Audrey, a Grade 6 student from École Varennes, found it interesting to meet the decision-makers and provide us with ideas about climate action. The experience made her feel confident in using her voice to express her opinions. 

They shared about the climate crisis in Manitoba and actions that could be taken at schools in ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥. Students spoke and sang about the importance of acting now in this climate emergency, solutions that involved composting for all schools, less waste, green technology, active transportation, school gardens, outdoor learning, and more.  

Gabby, a Grade 4 student from École St. Germain, was honoured to be a part of the meeting because she believes it is important to take climate action now. Terracycling, composting, and recycling are easy things she thinks everyone can do to help the Earth.

Teachers Suzanne Simpson and Jennifer Engbrecht, as well as a parent of École Varennes, Heather Eckton – all who are members of Educators for Climate Action Manitoba - highlighted that climate actions need a whole school approach and highlighted a need to develop a divisional framework for climate action. 

Ward 1 Trustee Ian Walker had this to say about the presentation, “I wholeheartedly agree that our division must continue doing its part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I am committed to supporting these climate educators and their students in every way I can. I will champion sustainable travel to and from school, decarbonizing our division’s heating systems, and expanding land-based learning.” 

Thank you to the teachers involved in raising awareness on : 

  • Camille Bedard, École Henri-Bergeron 
  • Jennifer Engbrecht, École St. Germain 
  • Mandy Freynet, Collège Jeanne-Sauvé 
  • Suzanne Simpson, École Varennes 

The passion and dedication of the students who spoke about their dreams for greener schools and their concerns about the future particularly moved me. Clearly, the youth in our division are aware of the climate crisis and eager to be part of the solution. Their voices are powerful reminders of the importance of taking immediate and meaningful action. 

How Can Schools Take Action this IDW?  

  • Participate in Manitoba Council for International Cooperation’s (MCIC) throughout February. 
  • Invite a guest speaker to your class to give a .  
  • Take advantage of MCIC’s on their website. 

Looking to the Future  

ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ is working to bring together a task force of students, educators, and families to develop an action plan that outlines specific steps to involve the whole school division in learning and teaching about the SDGs and UNDRIP. I will share more details about this task force in the near future. If this is something that interests you, please email communications@lrsd.net.  

I invite you to save the date for a day of learning and a culminating celebration of our work to further strategic action 4.5! On May 22, 2025, we will bring together students, staff, families, and community partners at The Forks CN Stage and Field. 


Christian Michalik 

Superintendent & CEO