
Shamrock School Start-Up Information

*Please note, we are in the process of changing our divisional computer system and we appreciate your patience as we navigate this new system with staff and families in the coming weeks. 

If you are receiving this more than once, or your child is no longer enrolled at Shamrock School we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Hello Shamrock Families,

We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer.  There is an excitement in the air at school as we prepare for your children to arrive! 

In preparation for the beginning of school, we have attached some information. 

Please note, we are in the process of changing our divisional computer system and we appreciate your patience as we navigate this new system with staff and families in the coming weeks.

Regular Classes will begin on Thursday September 5th (with the exception of the staggered start - full day kindergarten). 

Conference Manager:

Conference Manager is OPEN as of Wednesday, August 21st at 11:00 a.m.

Please sign up for Opening Day Conferences to take place on Wednesday September 4th. 


School Fees: 

  • Online payments for lunch and supply fees are NOT available at this time (new system coming soon!) 
  • Fees (in the form of cash or cheque, payable to Shamrock School) can be given to the classroom teacher during Opening Day Conferences. 
  • If your child will NOT be staying at school over the lunch hour (11:30-12:25) you must "opt out" of the lunch program by informing the office at shamrock.office@lrsd.net.
  • If you have concern regarding school fees, please reach out to Ms. Duffield the Principal.


Stay Connected

Shamrock Families will receive the "Rock Report" each Friday via email.

This will keep you up to date with any upcoming news regarding school and divisional events, dates and important announcements.

Watch for the first edition to be sent next Friday, August 30th.


Useful school information: