
Weekly reminders for October 28-November 1st

Good afternoon École St. Germain families,

Please note our weekly reminders for the week of October 28-November 1st:

No school

There’s no school tomorrow, Friday, October 25, 2024.

Spirit week

See the attached schedule for our spirit week.


This year we are once again allowing students to wear Hallowe’en costumes to school on Thursday, October 31st.   

 We ask that families respect the following guidelines: 

  • Students arrive at school already in costume (time will not be given during the day to get dressed or made-up) 
  • Costumes do not have any accessories including masks (please leave those at home) 
  • Students will participate in all regular daily activities including recess and gym
  • We look forward to seeing a variety of costumes! Our teachers will advise you of any other classroom events on that day. Please feel free to contact the administration should you have any questions. 

 Free Bilingual Math night

A free bilingual math night is being held at the ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ board office on Wednesday, Nov. 6th by Sarah Melo.

Sarah has partnered with Canadian Parents for French to present a Family Math Night to help students learn about math while interacting with clocks, money, measuring tapes and more.  The event is recommended for families with children ages 5-10, but all are welcome!

To register:
Wednesday, November 6
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Door Prizes, Snacks and Drinks

ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ Board Office

900 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg
Recommended for families with children ages 5-10, but all are welcome!

This information is available in alternate formats on request.  Please contact us at stgermain.office@lrsd.net for more information.
